Nailed The Sneaky Little Snake!
Last week US Special Forces crossed from Iraq into Syria to take out al-Qaeda weapons smuggler Abu Ghadiya. This is the guy who has been sending in suicide bombers and weapons from just inside the border line: Nyaa, Nyaa, can't get me! Wanna bet?
We had been asking Syria to deal with this guy to no avail. For those of you crying about the evil United States blatently invading a soverign nation, let me ask you; How may of YOUR children are you willing to sacrifice to protect Syria's nasty little gamesmanship?
As the SEALs say, "you can run, but you'll only die tired."
We had been asking Syria to deal with this guy to no avail. For those of you crying about the evil United States blatently invading a soverign nation, let me ask you; How may of YOUR children are you willing to sacrifice to protect Syria's nasty little gamesmanship?
As the SEALs say, "you can run, but you'll only die tired."