Saturday, October 27, 2007


I am reading Dinesh D'Souza's new book,
What's So Great About Christianity. It took me couple days to realize the title has no question mark. The book is an apologetic refutation to the current militant atheism of the likes of Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins and company. I am impressed enough by D'Souza's approach that this book will be the text for my future Apologetics classes at Quartz Hill School of Theology.

Two endorsements swayed me to buy the book in the first place. Historian Paul Johnson, for whom I have enormous respect, said,Those who believe in God are at present being subjected to a barrage of atheist propaganda, directed particularly at Christianity. What’s So Great About Christianity is a much-needed response to this offensive. It is wide-ranging, specific, well-researched, and dependably accurate. It will be of immense value to all those who wish to defend and uphold the Christian case." And Michael Shermer, publisher of
Skeptic magazine, cautioned, "although non-Christians and non-theists may disagree with some of his arguments, we ignore him at our peril. D'Souza's book takes the debate to a new level. Read it."

I heartily recommend this book. It will challenge believers and unbelievers alike.

I've placed a link to Dinesh D'Souza's blog in the links section of my blog. Check it out. His site also links to a video debate with Christopher Hitchens at The Kings College, NYC.

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