Thursday, August 30, 2007


Okay, I have my hand back. The injured finger is in its own little cocoon. I'm more or less ambulatory but I have to be careful I don't jam the ring finger when I grasp something. Doorknobs can be deceiving.

As far as the actual injury goes, its worse than I first thought. The finger tip was not ripped straight across but sort of diagonally from left to right. The doctor said it would take around three months to heal completely. The good news is, it should regenerate some of the lost mass. Probably still look gross and deformed, though.

I'm thankful I did not lose the whole finger. Or chop up several finger tips, for that matter. Thanks to modern medicine, I'm not sitting with Job on his ash heap.

I'll have to learn to be more careful in the future.


Stephanie P. said...

Well, who knew that bench was a guillotine waiting to take someone's finger off??

Eric said...

At least it wasn't your index finger -- could have wrecked your whole hell-fire and damnation preaching career.